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Vision Mission & Goals Master


To become a leading institution in the animal science sector based on local resources at the national and international levels.


  1. Providing education in the sector of animal science that fulfills of national and international standards.
  2. Developing research that produces international standard scientific work, science and technology that is needed for society and industry.
  3. Developing and expanding the cooperation networks at domestic and abroad in the sectors of education, research and international scientific publications.
  4. Aligning the quality of learning with national and international standards to produce graduates who are competitive nationally and internationally and have competencies according to the needs of stakeholders.

Ducational Objectives

  1. Producing graduates who are devoted to God Almighty, with the spirit of Pancasila.
  2. Producing graduates who have excellence in the development and application of science and technology, especially in the sectors of animal science who are competitive nationally and internationally.
  3. Producing graduates with high spirit of entrepreneurship who are able to manage and develop livestock business.
  4. Producing graduates who have qualified leadership abilities and encouragement for livestock development in the community (community leader).
  5. Producing graduates who have high managerial abilities and work in various agencies/industries in a professional and highly competitive manner in the workplace both at domestic and abroad.
  6. Able to develop and conserve local livestock resources to empower livestock on an industrial scale.
  7. Able to establish cooperation in the Tri Dharma of Higher Education with various related parties, both national and international.
  8. Able to follow the development of science and technology in the field of animal science.