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Vision Mission & Goals Doctor


To become an excellent educational institution for the Animal Science Doctoral Program nationally and internationally, and as a scientific reference center and implementation of science and technology through education and teaching, research, and community service.


  1. Organizing education and learning process as well as carrying out research in the field of animal science, product development and implementation in accordance with the demands of science and technology and the latest problems.
  2. Publish research results nationally and internationally regularly and continuously;
  3. Develop and organize scientific cooperation and its implementation with relevant parties at regional, national and global levels;
  4. Develop and implement quality standardization in a sustainable manner.


Produce doctoral graduates who have the following competencies and qualifications:

  1. Having noble ethics, having the spirit of Pancasila, and having high integrity and scientific spirit as well as being sensitive, open and responsive to the development of science and technology for solving problems in the livestock sector;
  2. Having a graduate profile as a researcher and expert in the field of animal science; as a developer of science and technology, and as a policy maker;
  3. Able to design, perform, develop and apply the latest science and technology in accordance with the demands of society;
  4. Able to publish scientific works both nationally and internationally recognized by the scientific community in order to provide an active role and contribution to the development of science and technology broadly.
  5. Able to develop cooperation with other agencies both at home and abroad and implement it responsibly, dynamically and sustainably.