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Scope of Research

Animal Production

  • Reproduction
  • Genetic and Breeding
  • Dairy
  • Beef
  • Poultry
  • Miscellaneous
  • Animal Biotechnology
  • Animal Nutrition
  • Veterynary
  • Animal Behavior and Welfare
  • Environment and Management
  • Animal behaviour, welfare, and livestock farming system

Animal Nutrition and Feed

  • Nutritional Requirements,
  • Metabolic Studies,
  • Body Composition,
  • Energetics,
  • Immunology,
  • Microbiology,
  • Genetics and molecular and cell biology related to nutrition of animal like ruminant (beef cattle and dairy), small ruminant (sheep, and goat), non-ruminant (broiler, laying hens, Quail, native chicken), Rabbit, Swine, Horse, and other related animal in tropical area
  • Raw material evaluation, feed additives, nutritive value of novel ingredients, and feed safety.


Animal Product Science and Technology

  • Processing Technology for Animal Products include meat, dairy, poultry, insects and by- products
  • Functional Food from Animal Origin
  • Animal Food Microbiology
  • Animal Food Biochemistry
  • Food Additives
  • Food Ingredient
  • Food Safety


Livestock Socio Economy

  • Socio-Economic and Policy
  • Business Management and Marketing Livestock
  • Agriculture Economy
  • Livestock Agribusiness Planning
  • Livestock Marketing Strategy
  • Dairy Development Analyst
  • SME’s Business Incubator Specialist
  • Empowerment of Rural Communities
  • Sociology of Rural Society
  • Policy analysis for rural and livestock development
  • Quantitative research methods for policy and livestock analysis
  • Agricultural Development Communication
  • Adult Learning