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Public Facilities

The following is a list of public facilities provided by UB for students:

NO Facilities Information
1 Al A’raaf Mosque



Located in the Faculty of Animal Science
Universitas Brawijaya, south side of the 5th buildingMore Information :
IG : @masjidalaraaf
2 Raden Patah Mosque Located to the northeast of rectorate, about 750 meter from Faculty of Animal Science UB
More Information :
3 Griya Brawijaya Griya Brawijaya is a dormitory for students which has 358 rooms.
Located to the east of Rectorate, about 700 meter from Faculty of Animal Science UB
More Information :
4 Center for Disability Studies and Services


Center for Disability Studies and Services

primarily to fulfill the rights of people with disabilities where only one percent of people with disabilities in Indonesia are able to access higher education

The types of student disabilities in UB are hearing disability, speech disability, physical disability, visual disability, mental and psychosocial disability, and intellectual disability.

Located to the east of Rectorate, about 700 meter from Faculty of Animal Science UB
More Information :


5 Library Located to the south of Rectorate, about 400 meter from Faculty of Animal Science UB
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6 Medical Clinic Located to the south of Rectorate about 400 meter from Faculty of Animal Science UB
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7 UB Hospital Located to the north of Mayjen Panjaitan’s Gate, about 1000 from Faculty of Animal Science UB
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8 Bank BNI Located to the south of gate II Veteran, about  750 meter from Faculty of Animal Science UB
More Information :
IG @bnibrawijayamalang
9 Bank BRI Located in the main building of Economy and Business Faculty, about 450 meter from Faculty of Animal Science UB
10 Bank BCA Located in the Culture Studies Faculty about 300 meter Faculty of Animal Science UB
11 Bank Mandiri Located to the south of Rectorate, about 600 Faculty of Animal Science UB


12 Post Office Located to the south of Rectorate, about 600 Faculty of Animal Science UB