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Scholarship Registration

Master’s Towards Doctoral Education for Superior Undergraduates (PMDSU) batch VII, in 2023 the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology reopens PMDSU batch VII Scholarship registration. Guidelines regarding PMDSU, promoter profiles and the expertise of prospective promoters can be accessed via the website
We need to say that in addition to the main requirements that must be met by prospective scholarship recipients, the selection process mechanism also refers to the terms and conditions set by the Postgraduate School and the involvement/share of the prospective promoter.
to select prospective students who will be proposed as PMDSU batch VII scholarship recipients. PMDSU batch VII scholarship registration can be accessed on the page from April 10 to May 21, 2023.

The attached form that has been filled in and uploaded to the page above, is sent to the email with the subject “PMDSU Batch VII_Applicant’s Name”.

For more, open the link below:

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