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Intended Learning Outcome Of MasterProgram Animal Science


The MPAS is designed to prepare people for research careers, either at a university or in industry, as government experts to take good policies and teach students how to discover new knowledge within their academic discipline. The ILO defines employability, knowledge, skills and attitude. The fulfillment of the competency profile of graduates is formulated in the Intended Learning Outcome (ILOs) program and is available in published forms. They reflect both academic and labor-market requirements and are up-to-date with relation to the relevant field. The design of the program supports the achievement of the ILOs. Table 1. presents the relationship of ILOs with the profile of graduates, which are researchers and policymakers. ILOs are shown in the Academic Handbook and curriculum, to be understood and implemented by the academic community in the learning process. According to that Table 1, these transferable competencies are a combination of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values necessary for personal fulfillment and development, social inclusion, active citizenship, and employment. The development of these competencies, which are a significant factor in innovation, productivity, and competitiveness, also guarantees greater flexibility in the higher and new positions.

Table 1. Intended Learning Outcome of MPAS Students Formulation  and Matrix of  ILOs, competence, profile of MPAS graduates and the competence area.

CORE COMPETENCY  ATTITUDE Applying logical, critical, systematic, and creative thinking in the field of animal science through scientific research and the results of studies based on rules, procedures, and scientific ethics in the form of a thesis (ILO1)
 Arrange and communicate ideas, scientific ideas and opinions responsibly and are based on academic ethics and communicate the results of livestock industry research in a forum (ILO2)
 KNOWLEDGE COMPETENCY Able to master the livestock industry theory (specifically breeding, feeding, and management, animal product technology and agribusiness) and have ability to develop competitive local resources (ILO3)
SPECIAL SKILLS Able to apply innovative, multidisciplinary technology in the development of the livestock industry (ILO4)
Take decisions in the context of resolving the problem of developing science and technology based on analysis or experimental studies of information and data (ILO5)
Identify the scientific fields that are the object of research and position them into a research map developed through an inter and multi-disciplinary approach (ILO6)
SUPPORTING COMPETENCY GENERAL COMPETENCY Increase learning capacity independently (ILO7)
Have the ability to utilize application or software in animal science field (ILO8)
Able to manage, to develop and to maintain networking with colleagues, colleagues inside institutions and research community wider (ILO9)
SPECIAL COMPETENCY Documenting, storing, securing, and rediscovering research data to ensure validity and avoid plagiarism (ILO10)