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Intended Learning Outcome (ILO)


The DPAS is designed to prepare people for research careers, either at a university or in industry, as government experts to take good policies and teach students how to discover new knowledge within their academic discipline. The ILO defines employability, knowledge, skills and attitude. The fulfillment of the competency profile of graduates is formulated in the Intended Learning Outcome (ILOs) program and is available in published forms. They reflect both academic and labor-market requirements and are up-to-date with relation to the relevant field. The design of the program supports the achievement of the ILOs. Table 1. presents the relationship of ILOs with the profile of graduates, which are researchers and policymakers. ILOs are shown in the Academic Handbook and curriculum, to be understood and implemented by the academic community in the learning process. According to that Table 1, these transferable competencies are a combination of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values necessary for personal fulfillment and development, social inclusion, active citizenship, and employment. The development of these competencies, which are a significant factor in innovation, productivity, and competitiveness, also guarantees greater flexibility in the higher and new positions.

Table 1. Intended Learning Outcome of DPAS Students Formulation  and Matrix of  ILOs, competence, profile of DPAS graduates and the competence area.

Learning Access ILOs


Transferable Competence Researcher Policy maker
Main Competencies   Attitude competence:    
ILO1 Able to intervene in animal science issues at the macro level x x
  Knowledge competence    
ILO2 Master the theoretical philosophy of animal science field which is relevant to intervene its issues x x
  General competence    
ILO3 Able to expand and deepen new animal science theory through multi and transdisciplinary approaches to contribute to the achievement of the vision and mission of DAS. x x
  Special competence    
ILO4 Able to contribute in the formulation of policies in regard to social welfare at the macro level through animal science development   x
Supporting competence   Knowledge competence    
ILO5 Find or develop scientific theories/conceptions/ideas, and contribute to the development and apply of science and/or technology in the field of animal science based on scientific methodologies, logical, critical, systematic, and creative thinking x x
  General competence    
ILO6 Develop a research roadmap with an inter, multi, or transdisciplinary approach, based on a study of the main research objectives and relationships with broader objectives x  
ILO7 Compile a dissertation based on the results of in-depth, multi- or trans-disciplinary research that has been carried out including theoretical and/or experimental studies in the fields of science, technology, art and the resulting innovations x x
ILO8 Publish the results of research in the field of science in scientific journals that are accredited nationally and internationally, unless there are special restrictions from the grantor of research that require data security and confidentiality x  
  Special Skill Competence    
ILO9 Choose appropriate, current and advanced research and provide benefits to mankind through an inter, multi, or trans disciplinary approach, to develop and/or produce problem solving in the fields of science, technology, and art, x  
Other competencies   Other competencies    
ILO10 Demonstrate academic leadership and develop collegial relationships in managing, developing and fostering resources and organizations under their responsibility as well as communities outside the institution x  
    Total contribusion 9 (60%) 6 (40%)


The curriculum of the DPAS supports the development of content knowledge, particular science, and research. The courses offered are classified into two groups: Compulsory Courses (18 credits), elective courses (4 credits), and the dissertation (28 credits). Students with non-linear backgrounds have to take two bridging courses (6 credits) detailed course description. Table 3.8. presents how contribution ILOs on the profile building graduate profile, 60% contribution on researcher and 40% for taking policymaker.


The DPAS provides programs to support the carrier orientation or employability, including 3 in 1 program, visiting professors and joining the research. These programs offer several benefits, including increasing student networking, increasing student insight related to their fields of expertise.