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Publikasi Tahun 2021


Daftar Publikasi Tahun 2021













Exogenous Progesterone for Offspring Sex Ratio Manipulation in Arabic Chicken (Gallus turcicus) Leading to Increasing Female Chicks Propotrion (American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 16(1), 48-55, 2021)
Egg Production, Fertility, Hatchability and Luteinizing Hormone Profile of Progesterone Hormone Injected to Arabic Gold Chicken (Gallus turcicus) (Journal of World’s Poultry

Research 11(1), 73-82, March 25, 2021




Sri Yenny Pateda

The Farmer Groups Institutional Capacity Level In Improving Beef Cattle Business in Gorontalo District, Indonesia

(RJOAS, 1(109), Jan 2021)










Irida Novianti

Effect of breeds on semen characteristics of aged bulls in the Indonesian National Artificial Insemination Center (Jurnal Ilmu- Ilmu Peternakan 30(2): 173-179,


Single Nucleotide Ploymorphims (snps) Identification of Inhibin Sub Unit-à (Inha) Gene on Madura Bulls (Journal of Tropical Animal Production vol. 22, no. 1,

pp. 77-81, Juni 2021)









Dodik Suprapto

Physicochemical Quality and Microbial Activity of Dairy Milk with Ozonation (Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Ternak, Vol. 16 no. 2 (2021))  

The impact of ozone exposure to the microbial activities, malondialdehyde levels and antibiotic residues in dairy milk (Proceedings of the 2nd Internasional Conference on Animal

Production for Food Sustainability (end ICAPFS)), Universitas Andalas