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History – Master

Faculty of Animal Science established on October 26, 1961, which was still called the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science. Based on the Decree of the Minister of PTIP Number: 92 dated August 1, 1962, FKHP was given state status and since July 1, 1962, it was under Airlangga University.

Meanwhile, in Probolinggo in October 28, 1961, the Probolinggo Higher Education Foundation opened a College for the Department of Marine Fisheries. This department later became one of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science departments, namely based on the Decree of the Minister of PTIP No. 163 the year 1963 dated May 25, 1963.

In January 5, 1963, UB and all its faculties were state status by the Decree of the Minister of PTIP No. 1 of 1963. The Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science which were initially under Universitas Airlangga, were returned to Universitas Brawijaya.

Since February 3, 1972, the Probolinggo Marine Fisheries Department College joined FKHP, UB as the Department of Fisheries through the Rector’s Decree Number 229/Pend.5/25-72. Meanwhile, at the end of 1970, the Department of Veterinary Medicine was established to have three Departments, namely the Department of Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine, and Fisheries. The Department of Veterinary Medicine finally joined Airlangga University in Surabaya from August 1972 until now.

In subsequent developments, the Department of Fisheries in Probolinggo was moved to Malang to facilitate implementation and the possibility of its development. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 0220/B/1973 dated December 3, 1973, the name of FKHP was changed to the Faculty of Animal Science with two study programs (Animal Science and Fisheries) starting from January 1, 1973. The Decree of the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya No. 51/Sk/77 dated July 5, 1977 name of the Faculty of Animal Science become Faculty of Animal Science and Fisheries (FPP). On May 13, 1983, the Department of Fisheries obtained the status as the Faculty of Fisheries, Universitas Brawijaya with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 39249/I/1983 FPP UB only has one department, namely the Department of Animal Science. Through the Decree Presidential of the Republic of Indonesia Number 59 of 1982 dated September 7, 1982. the name of FPP was changed back to the Faculty of Animal Science.

In 1984, through the Decree of the Director-General of Higher Education Number 118/Dikti/Kep./1984 UB’s Faculty of Animal Science was allowed to hold two departments, namely the Department of Animal Feed and Nutrition, and the Department of Animal Production and three Study Programs under the Dean, namely: Reproduction and Animal Breeding Study Program, Animal Product Technology Study Program, and Livestock Socio Economy Study Program. Furthermore, based on the Letter of the Director-General of Higher Education Number 225/Dikti/Kep/1996, there are four study programs in the Faculty of Animal Science, namely: Animal Production Study Program, Animal Feed and Nutrition Study Program, Animal Product Technology Study Program, and Livestock Socio Economy Study Program. The Faculty of Animal Science only consists of 1 Study Program, namely Animal Science, which consists of 5 interests, including Animal Production, Feed and Animal Nutrition, Animal Product Technology, Livestock Socio Economy, and Animal Breeding and Reproduction.

Universities to face the demands of change and the world of work for graduates, it must be able to adjust themselves so that good changes are needed both in an institutional and curriculum, according because that the Competency-Based Curriculum prepares as part of the process of unifying the study program which was named “Animal Science Study Program” which was determined based on the Decree of the Director-General of Higher Education No. 0034/D2.2/2008.

In 1981, UB and Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) pioneered Master Program of Animal Science (MPAS) by delivering a credit semester. MPAS was established in 1999 under UB Postgraduate management. Based on the Rector’s Decree in 2006 (No.30/SK/2006, date 21 February 2006), MPAS management was handed over to Faculty of Animal Science.