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History – Doktor

Universitas Brawijaya Postgraduate Program (UB Postgraduate) was initiated in 1981. This pioneering started with a collaboration between UB and Gadjah Mada University (UGM) to organize the UGM-UNIBRAW Credit Collection Activity Program (Kegiatan Pengumpulan Kredit, KPK), at that time UB still had the abbreviation UNIBRAW. This program aims to assist UB in planning and implementing postgraduate education independently.

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 325/DII/1982, the UGM-UNIBRAW KPK Program opened Postgraduate Education (S2) for the Agricultural Socio-Economic Study Program. Furthermore, based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 348/D/1982, the UGM-UNIBRAW KPK Program opened the Plant Science Masters Study Program. Registration activities for prospective postgraduate students began at the University of Brawijaya in early 1982. In the academic year 1985/1986 the UGM-UNIBRAW KPK Program opened a Masters Program in Soil and Water Management based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 1872/DK/1985. In accordance with the development of capabilities and facilities owned by UB and the demands of stakeholders, in 1989 an Interest in Post-Harvest Technology was opened, and in 1990 an Interest in Animal Feed was opened (both in the Master’s Program in Plant Science); Interest in Marketing was opened in 1990 (in the Master’s Program in Agricultural Socio-Economic Studies). After eleven years of status as the UGM-UNIBRAW KPK Program, based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 104, 105, 106/Dikti/Kep/93, since February 27, 1993, Postgraduate UB has carried out its activities independently with three Masters Study Programs, namely: (1). Agricultural Economics, (2). Plant Science, and (3). Soil and Water Management.

The development of undergraduate study programs in Universitas Brawijaya, and the increasing number of enthusiasts who want to open a new study program, starting from the academic year 1995/1996 UB Postgraduate opened seven Masters Study Programs, namely: (1). Post-Harvest Technology, (2). Animal Science, (3). Management, (4). Administrative Sciences, (5). Biomedicine, (6). Reproductive Biology, (7). Water Resources Engineering. Academic year 1998/1999 Postgraduate UB organizes 12 Masters Study Programs and one Doctoral Study Program in Agricultural Sciences. Since the 2003/2004 academic year, UB Postgraduate has held 20 Masters Study Programs and five Doctoral Study Programs.