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Faculty of Animal Science Postgraduate Organizes Open Dissertation Examination on Behalf of Akhadiyah Afrila, S.Pt.,M.P.

Postgraduate Doctoral Program in Animal Science, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Universitas Brawijaya (Fapet UB) held an open dissertation examination, Friday (17/2/2023). The exam which was held in a hybrid manner was on behalf of Akhadiyah Afrila, S.Pt., M.P. He carried out a research entitled Implementation of the Halal Assurance System (SJH) in Traditional Chicken Slaughterhouses in Malang City.

According to rChicken slaughterhouse (RPA) is a production process site that plays an important role in producing quality chicken carcasses. So that it can guarantee protection for consumers to obtain meat that is safe, healthy, intact, and halal (ASUH).

However, most RPA come from traditional chicken slaughterhouses with inadequate cutting techniques and handling methods, both from a hygiene and health perspective. Sanitation practices in the process of slaughtering chickens are very influential on the occurrence of microorganism contamination. Then traditional RPA has to implement Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure (SSOP) to produce chicken meat that meets microbiological requirements.

Lecturer Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang Evaluated 75 RPA in 5 sub-districts in Malang city, where GMP and SSOP aspects refer to NKV 2005 and SNI 01-6160-1999. The evaluation results show that traditional RPA in the city of Malang in terms of fulfilling GMP and SSOP aspects are categorized at level III to level V.

This means that in general the traditional RPA in Malang City is included in the critical category and is categorized as not feasible in terms of fulfilling the aspects of infrastructure, sanitation and halal cutting. Traditional RPA still has to improve on aspects of GMP and SSOP. (dta)