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Postgraduate Faculty of Animal Science UB has laboratory facilities standard ISO 17025, making it easier for stakeholders and students to carry out their research, e-library facilities that are full of features, complete supporting infrastructure facilities such as pilot cages
Pontjo Tri Andajani,STP,MP
Alumni of the Master Program of Animal Science - Widyaiswara Balai Besar Pelatihan Peternakan Batu
The Fast Track program can be taken while in semester 7 of the undergraduate program. So that the study time can be faster
Brilla Ismaya Safitri, S.Pt
Alumni of the Master Program of Animal Science
The Fast Track program can be taken while in semester 7 of the undergraduate program. So that the study time can be faster
Desinta Wulandari, S. Pt., M. Pt
Alumni of the Master Program of Animal Science
The experience of participating in Fasttrack allows me to learn more with lecturers inside and outside campus, in real life socially more seen as a person who can be relied upon to speak in public. This program can shorten the time for taking a higher level of learning
Tri Umar Satriawan, S.Pt.
Alumni of the Master Program of Animal Science
While studying at MPAS, FAS, UB, I received an offer to join the double degree program. One of the partner universities is the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, in Taiwan. I entered the Department of Biological Science and Technology under the supervision of Prof. Tzou-Chi Huang and Prof Hendrawan Soetanto. An interesting experience that gave me the opportunity to continue my studies and research at NPUST, Taiwan, was that I was able to improve my work skills in a biotechnology laboratory that I had never had before.
Asri Nurul Huda, S.Pt., MP., M,Sc
Alumni Double Degree of the Master Program of Animal Science
The double degree program is one of MPAS programs. Students get the opportunity to continue their studies for 1 year at UB and 1 year at a recommended foreign university. The courses that we have taken while studying at MPAS are converted to courses in the NPUST.
Yuli Frita Nuningtyas,SPt.MP.MSc
Alumni Double Degree of the Master Program of Animal Science
The Fast Track program can be taken while in semester 7 of the undergraduate program. So that the study time can be faster
Urania Noor Alina Megananda, S.Pt
Alumni Fast Track of the Master Program of Animal Science
The Fast Track program is one of the interesting programs from Brawijaya University which can shorten the study period so that the study period becomes more effective and efficient. Where the lecturers also play an active role in helping students so that they can immediately complete the study period on time
Garin Nafisah Karina, S.Pt
Alumni Fast Track of the Master Program of Animal Science
I highly recommend Fastrack Program for students who will continue their studies in the postgraduate program. This program can help students graduate faster and get an extraordinary experience to be taught by qualified lecturers
Poespitasari Hazanah Ndaru, S.Pt. MP.
Alumni Fast Track of the Master Program of Animal Science
The Fast Track program is one of the interesting programs from Brawijaya University which can shorten the study period so that the study period becomes more effective and efficient. Where the lecturers also play an active role in helping students so that they can immediately complete the study period on time
Tama Mayna Kusuma NIngrum, S,Pt.
Alumni Fast Track of the Master Program of Animal Science
UB Faculty of Animal Science Postgraduate is in the top 10 rankings of PTN National Level and is competitive at the international level
Alfan Kurniawan, S.Pt.M.P.
Alumni Fast Track of the Master Program of Animal Science
I got a lot of valuable experience here, I met great people who really care about education. The facilities in UB are also very supportive, the academic climate is also very helpful for older students like us ​
Dr. Ir. Andi Pertiwi Damayanti, S.Pt, M.Sim IPM
Alumni of the Doctoral Program of Animal Science
Post-Graduate Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Brawijaya is one of the best higher education institutions in Indonesia and has been internationally accredited. • Great teaching team professional and have good competence • Curriculum according to needs • Very strong educational culture
Dr. Novita Dewi Kristanti., SPt., MSi
Alumni of the Doctoral Program of Animal Science
Cool,,,,, Academic atmosphere really supports the study process. Lecturers have very good competence so that the transfer of knowledge runs smoothly
Dr. Ir. Sony A. E. Moningkey, SPt.,MSi.,IPU
Alumni of the Doctoral Program of Animal Science
UB's Faculty of Animal Science has complete facilities, quality teaching lecturers, professional working educational staff, beautiful environment, andTri Civitas solid
Dr. Ir. Anneke K Rintjap, MSi
Alumni of the Doctoral Program of Animal Science
UB Faculty of Animal Science Postgraduate is in the top 10 rankings of PTN National Level and is competitive at the international level
Prof. Dr. Ir. Umar Paputungan, M.Sc
Alumni of the Doctoral Program of Animal Science