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List Of Publication 2019



Priyo Sugeng Winarto, Ir. MA  


Household Profiles of Beef Cattle Livestock in the Area of Teak Forest, Bojonegoro, East Java (International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 7(12), 976-983, 2019)






Sustainable Development Model for Sang Bintang Area Based on Beef-Cattle in Bolaang District, North Mongondow (International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 7(8),1198-1213, August 2019)
Typology of Cattle Maintenance System in Sangbintang Area, Bolaang Mongondow North Regency (International Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, Vol. 3,Issues 5, Sept-Oct 2019)



Siti Nurul Kamaliyah



Effect of Cutting Interval and Cutting Methods on Adenanthera pavonina L. Annual Forage Yield (Journal of Global Biosciences, vol. 8, No.12, pp. 6642-645, 2019)





Rositawati Indrati




Ethanol extraction of Sambiloto leaves (Andrographis paniculata Nees) and evaluation of its immunomodulatory activity towards gastrointestinal nematode infestation in Ettawah crossbred goats (Livestock Research for Rural Development 31(12), 2019)









Niswatin Hasanah






Broiler Poultry Farming Open House System Patterns Stochastic Frontier of Economic, Technical and Allocative Efficiency of in Lamongan Regency East Java (International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 8(01), 1053-1060, Jan. 2020)
Economic, Technical and Allocative efficiency of Stochastic Frontier of Broiler Poultry Farming with Close House System Patterns in Lamongan Regency East Java (International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development, Vol. 2 Issue 5, Sept-Oct 2019)




Aju Tjatur Nugroho Krisnaningsih




Pengaruh Penambahan Stabilizer Pati Talas Lokal (Colocasia esculenta) terhadap Viskositas, Sineresis dan

Keasaman Yogurt pada Inkubasi Suhu Ruang

The Effect of Incubation Time to The Physicochemical and Microbial Properties of Yoghurt with Local Taro (Colocasia Esculenta (L.) Schott) Starch as Stabilizer (Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science, Vol. 7, No. 2, Pg. 547-554, 2019)



Nanang Febrianto



Financial Performance of Small Scale Layer Farming in Malang Regency Indonesia (International Journal of Business Marketing and Management (IJBMM) Vol. 3 Issue 9, PP.10-15, September 2018)












The Optimization of Beef Cattle Business with Crops in the Highlands in Bolaang, North Mongondow Regency (International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 7(10), 370-380, October 2019)
Business Optimization Model of Beef with Plants in the Lowlands in North Mongondow Bolaang (International Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, Vol. 3, Sept- Oct 2019)



Muhammad Tahir



The Performance of Broilers Given Eugenol of Clove Leaf Essential Oil as A Feed Additive (RJOAS, 11(95), November 2019)



Premy Puspitawati Rahayu



Functional Properties of Casein Added with Catechin Extracted from Cocoa Husk (Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Ternak, Vol.

14(2), 127-136)


Characteristics of Caatechin Extracted From Cocoa Husks Using Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE)(Biodiversitas Vol. 20, no. 12, p.3626-3631, Desember 2019)




Ludy Kartika Kristianto



Production Pattern and Feasibility Analysis of “Kalimantan” Buffalo’s Breeding Farms in the River Agroecosystem of East Kalimantan Province (International Journal of Advanced (IJAR), 7(3), 373-380, March 2019)
Buffalo Breeding Business System and Feasibility Analysis in Rice Fields Plateau of North Kalimantan (International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 7(3), 1112-1121, March 2019)









Wahidah Ma’ruf






Pengaruh Jenis dan Proporsi Penggunaan Tepung Jagung terhadap Daya Ikat Air dan Kualitas Organoleptik dari Nugget Ayam Kampung (Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Ternak,

hal. 38-49, April 2019)


Physical and Organoleptic Properties of Chicken Nugget from Domestic Chicken (Gallus domesticus) Meat with Different Corn Flours as Filler (Research Journal of Life Science, Vol. 6 No. 3 (13-20), December 2019)